Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
In this episode, I welcome board certified neurologist, Dr. Marwa Kaisey, to the podcast where we discuss the most up-to-date information on COVID vaccines and COVID boosters. In particular, we discuss how all of that information relates to people living with MS.
Dr. Kaisey, an assistant professor in the Department of Neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles focuses her practice on caring for people with MS and other neuroimmune conditions. She teaches Cedars-Sinai neurology residents in both inpatient and outpatient settings and assists with the MS fellowship. She's won multiple teaching awards including the AB Baker teacher recognition award from the American Academy of Neurology.
Dr. Kaisey is active in research and has several publications on the diagnosis and misdiagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Her work includes developing novel tools to more quickly and accurately diagnose MS.
She can be found on Instagram @themsmd and YouTube where she provides, in a quick and concise way, all the latest in MS research as well as tips for living well with MS. Links to both of those can be found in the Episode Notes.
In this episode, Dr. Kaisey and I cover not only the most commonly asked questions regarding COVID and MS, but also the questions that we might be curious about but aren't often discussed.
- Is MS alone considered an underlying condition?
- Which MS treatments put you at higher risk?
- What about the timing of a vaccine and your infusion?
- Which MS drug puts you at 4x higher risk of being hospitalized from Covid?
- Tysabri and the blood brain barrier.
- The sweet spot for timing your vaccine and your infusion for best vaccine efficacy.
- Vaccine response and antibody testing.
- Will the vaccine evolve as new variants emerge?
- How the vaccine was designed.
- What to do if you want to get a Covid vaccine and a flu vaccine and when? Can you get them at the same time?
- Typical side effects of first and second doses of the COVID vaccine.
- Dr. Kaisey's Conquer MS project. Link below.
- Should an MS patient get a vaccine booster?
- A third dose or a booster? Which one? Is there a difference? Are you eligible?
- How long does your natural immunity last if you've had COVID?
- Mixing brands of vaccines. Is it safe?
- How were they able to bring the COVID vaccine to market so quickly? Did they cut corners? Were safety measures sidestepped?
- How long until we'll have some sense of normalcy?
- Masks. Are they still important?
Where to find Dr. Marwa Kaisey:
Instagram - @themsmd
YouTube - https://youtube.com/c/drmarwakaisey
The MS Gym
Instagram - @themsgym
Website - www.themsgym.com
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheMSGym/?ref=share
Brooke Slick
Instagram - @brooke.slick
Website - www.brookeslick.com
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
rebuild, rewire, reinvent: Build confidence through life‘s challenges
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
In today’s podcast, we join Michael from Scotland.
He talks about his:
- Diagnosis
- Career changes
- Relationship challenges
- MS treatment options
- MS Gym victories
MS Gym Links:
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Bridging Borders through the Bonds of MUSIC
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Join us as we explore the musical passions of one of our own international MS Gym Buddy Groups. Today, we will cross time zones and country borders to learn how these members:
- Each began their own musical journey
- Came together as a group sharing their passion for music
- Found community across cultures and country lines
- Beat isolation by forming bonds
- Shared their dreams and fears about the present and future
- Collaborated their musical talents to create music
- Made music despite their disability and technical challenges
- Inspired each other while finding their own inner purpose
- Each found The MS Gym
- Shared their dreams and losses together
- Seek to inspire others with their music
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
5 TO THRIVE: Taking Control of Your MS with Nutrition
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
I'm so excited to bring you the 4th and final episode of the series of interviews from the MS Gym's Thrive Summit, previously available to members only.
I'm even more excited that the interview is with fan favorite, and former guest, registered dietitian, Ahna Crum. Ahna, who's certified in Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition, will be completing her masters in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine by the end of this year. As juicy as her credentials sound, her previous series on MS and diets are even juicier, and I don't even think she knows this, but they still hold the record for the most downloads of any episodes in MS Gym Podcast history. She's that good!
This particular 5 to Thrive interview you'll be listening to today is no less stellar and focuses on five crucial areas of importance when it comes to diet and living with MS. I had to re-listen to it today to take notes for the episode and it sucked me in all over again. Hanging on every word.
It's important to note that in this episode, there are multiple times Ahna refers to a handout that the attendees of the Thrive Summit received as part of her presentation. A link to that handout will be in the Episode Notes and I highly recommend you download it. It takes all the information that you will hear in the interview and dives even deeper into each topic. I've read the entire handout and it's really a must have.
- True results come with testing and individualization
- Inflammation and joint health
- Spasticity
- Sleep
- Macronutrients
- Hydration/Dehydration
- Inflammation as it relates to added sugars
- How the inflammation presents itself
- Blood sugar dysregulation
- Neurotransmitter balance
- Sugar from fruits
- Sports drinks
- Weight gain
- Hormone imbalance
- Spasticity
- Circadian rhythm
- Defining neurotransmitters
- Serotonin
- Dopamine
- GABA is a big one! Why you need it.
- Why too much Glutamate can be a problem
- Baclofen and GABA
- Ingestion is not the same as absorption
- Magnesium and the neurotransmitter connection
- Magnesium glycinate
- GABA and sleep
- Sleep
- How much sleep you should be getting with MS
- No sleep, no healing
- Inflammation and oxidative stress
- Don't skip carbs
- Choosing the right carbohydrates
- Good carbs and bad carbs
- Choosing whole foods sources
- Why the glycemic index matters
- Protein for healing
- Protein and exercise
- Nine essential amino acids
- A vegan or vegetarian approach and why it's harder work
- Vitamin B12 is not found in plants
- MS and the fat controversy
- Omega 3 intake to balance Omega 6
- Good fats and bad fats
- What about butter?
- Macronutrients
- A challenge to drink more water
- Carbonated beverages
- Should you drink water before or after exercise?
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Bloom Where You Are Planted
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
For today’s episode we'll join Heather at her long-term care facility in Alberta, Canada. During our time together will learn more about Heather and how she:
- Was diagnosed with MS
- Grappled with the choices of MS medications
- Learned about an anti-inflammatory diet
- Managed her MS symptoms while working
- Travelled overseas for an invasive procedure
- Struggled with repeated post-op infections
- Made the transition to a long-term care facility
- Is using The MS Gym to grow stronger
- Wants to be a light and inspiration to her fellow residents
- Has found great purpose and enjoyment in co-writing a trilogy of novels
- Has managed through multiple lockdowns in her long-term care facility
Looks forward to being out in beauty and nature very soon
Global News Interview: Residents Complete Book Trilogy during COVID-19
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
TELEMEDICINE - IS IT HERE TO STAY?: A Chat with Dr. Mitzi Joi Williams
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
In this episode, I'm speaking to renowned neurologist, Dr. Mitzi Joi Williams of Atlanta, Georgia, regarding the increasingly popular mode of medical communication called telemedicine. At no other time in the history of medicine has this option to communicate with our health care professionals been more important. In addition to a behind the scenes look at telemedicine, we discuss the many advantages of this mode of communication and what we can expect in the future. This interview is # 3 of 4 from the MS Gym's Thrive Summit, previously available only to Summit attendees. I'm excited to be able to share this exclusive info with all of you.
- What is telemedicine?
- Video assessment
- Who is the perfect candidate for telemedicine?
- What are physicians loving about telemedicine
- Who telemedicine is NOT for
- Telemedicine and insurance billing/reimbursement
- Will telemedicine become the norm?
- How to give a neurologic exam online
- HIPPA in the age of online medicine
- Ensuring online security
- Interstate access to doctors
- Prescribing medications
- Top 3 advantages of telemedicine versus in-person appointments
- Telemedicine is not only for during a pandemic
- The future of telemedicine for doctors and patients
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Mitzi: Joi Life Wellness Group
For more information on Dr. Mitzi, visit her personal website, to book her as a speaker, purchase her books, or read her blog, at https://drmitzijoimd.com/
Instagram: @thenerdyneurologist
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Stepping Toward Trust
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Join us today as we delve into the life of one of our international MS Gym family members, all the way from Ireland.
Learn how Denise:
- Was diagnosed with MS
- Coped with various MS medications
- Underwent a month long hospital stay due to a relapse
- Decided to travel to Russia to undergo HSCT
- Recovered from treatment during the onset of Covid lockdowns
- Found The MS Gym
- Learned to "trust the process"
- Achieved incredible walking victories through consistent effort & belief
Motivation Monday: If you can walk 3 steps...You can walk 30
Wednesday May 05, 2021
ANXIETY and MS: Identifying and Understanding the Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
I'm excited to share that I've been given permission to release yet another exclusive interview from last summer's Thrive Summit that was previously only available to the MS Gym membership. The topic of discussion is ANXIETY which can become a very real component of living with an unpredictable disease.
From identifying the differences between dealing with true anxiety or just being an overthinker, to the techniques and therapies used to treat anxiety, Dr. Miriam Franco breaks it all down for us in a way that makes it easier to digest. Whether you are currently dealing with anxiety or not, there's a lot to be learned in this episode.
- What makes having anxiety different from being a worrier or overthinker?
- The human survival response and fear
- Why zebras don't get ulcers
- Over-anticipation of the future
- Is anxiety caused by MS or is it a result of living with MS?
- Mourning temporary losses
- Not knowing where to go for help
- Building a "team" of professionals to assist
- You DO get to choose your response
- When to know it's time to seek professional help
- Interrupting the circuit of stress
- The confusion around relapses
- Relapses vs. pseudo relapses
- Effective stress reduction
- Fear of being prescribed drugs for anxiety and depression
- Distinguishing between fatigue and depression
- What is neuronal reserve?
- MS fatigue is not the same as normal fatigue
- The value of rest to offset fatigue and sustaining neuronal reserve
- What is guided imagery?
- The difference between guided imagery and meditation
- Lowering injection and MRI anxiety
- Becoming a mental ally with your MS medication
- The ImageryWork app
- Claustrophobia and MRI
- Coping with anxiety in bite-sized steps
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Embrace the Differently-abled YOU!
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
In today's episode, we chat with Annice and learn more about her own journey with MS and how:
- She was diagnosed later in life
- Love helped her overcome cancer and continues to help her live with gratitude through the challenges of MS
- Staying in the present moment has helped her overcome each day and not to be overcome by it
- She adapted the All or Something principle into her everyday life
- She finds joy doing chores
- Exercise has helped her combat fatigue and balance issues
- Her "blue man" helps her mindset
- Adopting neuroplasticity has made life better
- She found community through her Buddy Group
- She moved from being "disabled" to "differently abled"
Also visit:
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
THE EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS - MS CONNECTION: An Interview with Dr. Bianca Weinstock-Guttman
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
In this week's episode, I'll be sharing my interview with neurologist, Dr. Bianca Weinstock-Guttman. She's a professor of Neurology at Buffalo University, where her expertise regarding the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) and her collaborative research as to how EBV relates to MS is extensive and impressive.
This interview was originally recorded as part of The MS Gym's 2020 virtual Thrive Summit, which I had the honor of hosting last summer. While the rest of the world was on lockdown, we were reaching out to experts to share their knowledge in the fields of Anxiety, Telemedicine, Diet, and in this case, the EBV/MS connection.
- Elements that contribute to EBV being a trigger to MS
- Questioning if you have MS at all
- What type of virus is EBV?
- The focus on B cells
- Can EBV remain latent?
- EBV triggers
- DMTs, immunosuppression and EBV
- Does having had mononucleosis put you at higher risk of MS?
- Mononucleosis can be silent
- Keeping our children too clean
- The role of T cells
- Mononucleosis increases risk of MS x3
- EBV reactivation
- Aging, immunosuppression and a higher risk of herpes zoster
- Is there a treatment for EBV?